Init Commit Revamp

So, I decided to abandon my newly created blog and create another one since I like this layout and styling a lot more. I also like how much cleaner the code seems with this starter code. My other blog is less than two days old, but c'est la vie. As with my older blog, I created this one using Gatsby, React and Netlify. I had to configure the starter project to use Github for Oauth. I didn't feel like dealing with another password to remember.

I took out the about and contact routes since they seemed unnecessary. I have to delete their templates, do general clean up, and then figure out how to change the image cards on the landing page to showcase my personal projects. I need to find and download free images to use. All that's for another day, but for now, I guess this is Round 2.

Actually, the count is probably higher than that considering how many older blogs I have. Regardless, I hope this one lasts; ca va sans dire.