git reset --hard initCommit && git clean -f -d (almost)
I almost started another blog, yet again. I found a couple of starter templates that look really nice. Some were on the Gatsby site and some from Netlify, but there wasn't one that had a really good layout using Netlify CMS. One I liked had a nice layout but wasn't using the Netlify CMS and was also using Ghost and Hugo, neither of which I had even heard of, but that doesn't really matter. The issue was with installing Hugo on Windows; there wasn't an npm module; I would've had to download the tarball and configured my environmental variables, which I've done with Java and Python, but I saw there was a section specifically dedicated to troubleshooting Windows installations, which was offputting. So I decided to abandon that. If there were sections for Debian or MacOS troubleshooting, I probably would've gone through with it, but seeing that just seemed like a big red flag.
Any way, I decided to just keep this one and just work on it. I need to update the styling and create customized components. It'll be good practice with React. I still need to add my portfolio projects.