Weather finished
I was having issues with my network recently. My modem died so I had to rush to Time Warner Spectrum to get a replacement before they closed on yesterday evening. Physical set up was quick and easy but when it came to them activating the modem, some issue came up. It was actually kinda funny; customer support had to escalate it to another team because they had never seen that error before. Something went wrong with the partitioning of the bandwidth so I was only getting download speeds below 1Mbs, which is insane. I don't know how anyone can surf the net at that speed. Internet v2.5 has way too much bulk nowadays, especially with streaming. Anyway, I called and called and called until it was resolved, which a little over 25 hours.
I was able to log onto work but my day was light any way. Fixed the same bug I had just fixed in a higher env, I had forgotten to merge the dev branch with master; so it was relatively easy. I continued work on Cypress and finished a feature. I think I'll merge that in next I'm in office.
Finally got around to finishing up the weather app; updating the styling and layout. I also updated the a few things on Portfolio and looks pretty good now. I think the only thing left is deciding what to do with the links; since they align correctly in larger viewports but the alignment doesn't make sense on mobile. Regardless, I think they're both fine for now. I really don't like that Portfolio doesn't do live reload. Now that I'm more familiar with React, I'm thinking of redoing it. But, I think I should create one more project first; that recommendations page of movie / show, spotify song, and a random quote and maybe the top headline. I want to create my own api with this one, so I'll have to catch up on Heroku again, as well as swagger. Shouldn't be too hard.
After that, I should probably revamp the blog. I do like Netlify and Gatsby, but I would like to revamp the layout. It's too blank at the moment. Maybe here I can add a random quote, while the recommendations could have a joke or something; maybe poetry or a random passage.
Things to think about.