Blog Update
I was working on converting the contact page. The Delog starter was using some service for the form collection, so I decided to try to transplant the previous blog's contact form. I tried it on local multiple times, and updating accordingly, but wasn't working. I looked at the official documnetation and the example given and for the love of me, I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. Then I decided to boot up the old blog and try submitting it via local. It didn't work either, so I thought maybe it just doesn't work on local for some reason. I commented out the contact page links, replaced it a link to my portfolio on the header and deployed. Taking out the links was a good idea since if it didn't work, a user wouldn't really know to navigate to it, and you can still test it by going to /contact. Now submission works, but I need to style the page. I also need to add links to the code base. The only other thing left would be to slice the blogposts at 6 on the home page, the most recent 6, and put the rest in a list on a separate page, maybe add a search and sort as well. It's on this week's todo list.