Portfolio Github-Pages
My portfolio project is hosted on github-pages. I currently have it configured so that it searches for a /docs directory to build my project. I was previously using npm run build --prod --base-href https://ianagpawa.github.io/portfolio/
command after finalizing my commits, but realized I don't need to do that at all. Because Pug doesn't seem to support hot-reloading, at least with how it's configured currently, I have to stop the server and then start it up again, which always trigger the build process. So then, when I add commits, I'm actually adding the updates to the build files. I'm glad I figured that out since it wasn't initially apparent, obviously.
I also figured out how to squash commits. I'm trying to get into the habit of creating branches on personal projects rather than just committing on the master branch. Recently, I had been doing that and creating pull requests on github and selecting the squash and merge option. Now I'm just going to do it on the terminal with git merge --squash branchName
whenever I've finalized my changes. One thing I will not be able to do it is to check if it builds properly. I should probably add that to my process when I've finished off the changes.