Weather Search
I am working on adding a search bar on the weather app. Have the component in and is working, but had some issue with error handling. On the request handler that I created, the catch wasn't being triggered. I assumed the catch would trigger for any non-200/ok status, but it wasn't. I didn't realize, I'd have to add that in myself, which did with:
if(!response.ok) { throw new Error("not ok"); }
. I actually rather like my implementation of the method. I feel like it's clean.
export const getRequest = (params) => {
const {
} = params;
return dispatch => {
return fetch(getUrl({type, city, units}))
.then(response => {
if(!response.ok) { throw new Error("not ok"); }
return response.json();
.then(json => dispatch(fetchSuccessFunc(json)) )
.catch(err => dispatch(fetchFailureFunc(err)) );
It's pretty much reuseable code, since it'll apply to any API call being made on react/redux. I mean, you would have to tweak the getUrl and the params bit, but it's generalizable. I'm surprised something like this isn't already part of the package.
I still need to add an error notification, probably red-colored text of some sort.