Music Links

I decided to add a couple of music links to my portfolio, make it a bit more interesting. I created a playlist on Youtube for interesting videos revolving around music, like live renditions and ones with interesting visuals. I also added a Spotify playlist since I think people nowadays use that more. Unfortunately, most of the music I like isn't on there. Regardless, I think its a good addition, an interesting peek into what I like and who I really am.

I finally got around to buying a new laptop, Dell XPS 15. It's a little bigger than I expected; a lot bigger than I expected, but it's still pretty good. The screen is fantastic but the keyboard feels a tad bit weird, maybe because I'm not used the switch type, travel and the layout since I tend to use smaller laptops. Overall though, I'm pretty happy with it. I still want to get a Razer Blade Stealth but I didn't want to fiddle around under the hood and replace it with a higher capacity hard drive, not to mention that the memory is soldered on. I really don't understand why they need to solder it; there isn't any advantage to it at all. But still, it's size and capabilities are alluring. No need for that sort of mobility at the moment because of COVID, so I guess it can wait. In the meantime, I ported over my whole music library and am going to be using the XPS as my new daily driver and main developing laptop.

For my next project, I'm going to have to install Java, Gradle and Docker on this and then start learning how create RESTful web APIs using Spring.