Jekyll blog

It's been awhile. Work's been the same, but just ramped up more and more especially with our Go-Live date coming in soon. I'm anxious, terrified, excited and almost relieved all at the same time.

In other news, I've decided to create another blog, one that focuses on entertainment. I'm learning Jekyll (and delving back into trying out Ruby). Jekyll is surprising easily; it's basically like Gatsby but written within the Ruby framework; it uses markdowns and layouts to generate a static site full of content. I especially like it since it's rather easy to deploy up on Github pages. Using themes also makes it a lot easier to visually make the site much more appearling. I'm considering revamping this blog with a different theme and see how that goes. It should be easy considering all i'd have to do is keep the markdowns for my blog posts. Before I do that though, I'm going to explore revamping my portfolio page, I think that deserves to be better. In the meantime, I'll need to add this to the portfolio.