Coding Exercises
I started doing coding exercises again. I feel like I need to get better with this sort of stuff. And, while I don't necessarily fully agree with the heavy reliance on coding problems in the interview process, it's still a good way to understanding how people think and can help improve the quality of my code. So, with that mind, I've gotten back into them. I started doing some problems on hacker rank, and now I've done some of the easy problems on leetcode. I put up a repo, but I'm also planning on accompanying each one with its own blog post, and quite possibly (actually, rather likely) with its own youtube video of me going through the problem and walking through my solution. I think that would be a good exercise in being to articulate my thoughts while also reinforce what I've learned with my solution. In addition to the Hacker Rank and LeetCode problems, I think I'll also want to add in some Project Euler problems in there. CodeWars is also a good candidate.